The Three Musketeers and the Very Pretty Diamonds
by David Neilsen

The Three Musketeers and the Very Pretty Diamonds is a play written by David Neilsen. It is a modern English pantomime, filled with farce, slapstick comedy, and larger-than-life characters. It will be performed by students from La Grande Boissière 7ELP and directed by Rosalie Leprêtre. As in the tradition of English pantomime, the Ecolint crew has added music and their own choreographed dances, combining traditional dance of the 1600s with modern dance to add to the comic style of the play.
The play involves a cast of 28 students and a backstage team of 15 students, and will be performed in both English and French. The students have helped create the dances and select the music as part of the creative process, and have assisted in the design and creation of props, sets and costumes.