Music from a Silent Land
Afghan Youth Orchestra with Orchestre de Chambre de Genève

Photo credit: ©G. Maillot
The Afghan Youth Orchestra is the largest ensemble supported by the ANIM (Afghanistan National Institute of Music).
The first of its kind in over 30 years, the group consists of boys and girls playing a combination of traditional Afghan and Western classical instruments. They performed music by Ravel, Vivaldi and even Beethoven on their most recent European tour, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, then in Zurich, Geneva, Berlin and Weimar.
In partnership with the Orchestre de Chambre de Genève, the DIP (State of Geneva), the Barbour Foundation, the Hospice Général and the Conservatoire populaire de musique, danse et théâtre and École & Culture, the Afghan Youth Orchestra will perform two concerts:
Monday 4 September 2023
- 18:30 - Welcome cocktail
- 19:30 - Round table: in a context where the most fundamental rights are flouted, what does the future hold for culture and music in Afghanistan? Is there a glimmer of hope - also for the women and men who, in exile, are desperately trying to keep alive this fundamental expression of Afghan identity? A few days before the opening of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council at the UNOG, and in the presence of representatives of ANIM, Switzerland for UNHCR and the Hospice général, this round table will focus on the current situation, as experienced by those who are directly involved in these issues.
- 19:30 - 19:35 welcome speech from Dr. Conrad Hughes - Director General of the International School of Geneva and Dr. Nasir A. Andisha - Afghanistan's ambassador to Switzerland.
- 19:35 - 19:40 Speakers
- Yasmine Sadri, I-DEA Lead at Ecole Internationale de Genève
- Aurvasi Patel, UNHCR Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Principal Liaison Advisor
- Antoine Froidevaux, Assistant social en intervention collective de l’Hospice Général
- Sibyille Mani, Human Rights Officer for Afghanistan OMCT
- Mashal Arman, Mezzo-soprano, well known in Geneva.
- 19:40 - 20:30 Discussion moderated by Juliette de Banes Gardonne
- 21:00 - 21:45 - Concert by 3 soloists from the Afghan Youth Orchestra, accompanied by 4 Afghan musicians and Mashal Arman for a song as a musician.
Tuesday 5 September 2023
- 19:30 - Concert of the Afghan Youth Orchestra