Le Bal

The new creation by Compagnie Linga

Tuesday 5 November 2024, 20:00

Full fare: CHF 45
Ecolint: CHF 35
Reduced fare: CHF 30*




A co-production by L’Octogone, Théâtre de Pully, Centre des arts and Compagnie Linga.

Certain pieces of music captivate with their sheer beauty and timelessness, transcending the material world. Since their creation, they’ve sparked an irresistible urge to dance, becoming ingrained in the collective imagination and part of a universal repertoire. The Viennese waltz belongs to this tradition, as do some melodies by Mozart or Verdi. In this project, Katarzyna Gdaniec and Marco Cantalupo continue their exploration of the ever-evolving relationship between music and dance, sound and movement, the auditory and the visual.

The choreographers aim to explore the unique qualities of certain well-known popular music, their meanings and symbolism, while also questioning the physical responses these pieces evoke today—through not only the sensory experience of listening but also the potential for new forms of interaction. This project is the logical continuation of a choreographic journey that, after delving into electronic and traditional music, now turns toward more classical and popular forms to fuel the flow of movement.

Concept and choreography: Katarzyna Gdaniec and Marco Cantalupo. 
With the collaboration of performers: Aude-Marie Bouchard, Enzo Blond, Bonni Bogya, András Engelmann, Csaba Varga, and Cindy Villemin.
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Music consultant: Francesco Biamonte
Additional compositions: Mathias Delplanque
Costumes: Katarzyna Gdaniec
Lighting: German Schwab

Compagnie Linga is in residence at L’Octogone, Théâtre de Pully, and benefits from a support agreement with the City of Pully, the City of Lausanne, and the Canton of Vaud. This production is also supported by Loterie Romande, the Sandoz Family Philanthropic Foundation, SSA, the Fondation du Centre Patronal, and the Françoise Champoud Foundation.

Photo © Gregory Batardon

*Special rates for schools. For more information, please contact centredesarts@ecolint.ch.