In contact with a death row inmate

Pre-opening of "Les Créatives" Festival

Tuesday 14 November 2023, 18:30

Free admission, mandatory registration




Round table discussion in French, as part of the Les Créatives Festival, with three speakers:

  • Anne-Frédérique Widmann (journalist and documentarist): Free Men, Intermezzo Films, 2018.
  • Valentine Cuny-Le Callet (cartoonist): Perpendiculaire au Soleil, Editions Delcourt, Paris, 2022. 
  • Karelle Ménine (playwright, writer, journalist): Au bout du couloir, la mer, 2023.


What these three "Créatives" have in common? Three commitments against the death penalty, among others. With complexity, subtlety, talent, sensitivity and power. Three artists, three disciplines, three styles, three ways, three relationships to activism.

This round table will be an opportunity to discuss their works, their practices, their experiences, their visions of the world, their analyses of the situation, but also more generally of what these situations say about our times, sociologically and politically. 

Age limit: 16 years and over

Opening and drinks reception at the Centre des arts: 18:30 
Round table: 19:30

The works of Valentine Cuny-Le Callet are showcased in the Centre des arts as part of the major exhibition Fear / Forget Fear.

The film Free Men by Anne-Frédérique Widmann will be screened on 16 November 2023 at 18:30, followed by a telephone discussion with Kenneth Reams from his prison in Arkansas (registration on the Centre des arts website).